Adventure Time: Level Up Your Hiking Game With These 3 Inspiring Locations
April 27, 2021
Tired of hiking the same old trails? Elevate your nature walk game with these next-level locales. Whether it’s extensive distances or unique terrain, each of these hiking locations brings a true sense of adventure with every step.
It’s time to find some more adventurous hiking trails. Take your hiking game to the next level and check out these unique trails in the US!
- Mohonk Labyrinth And Lemon Squeeze
New Paltz, NY
When you follow the trails from the historic Mohonk Mountain House resort and finally reach the Labyrinth, it will start to feel less like the Hudson Valley and more like outer space. This massive maze of rocks and boulders requires more calculated foot placement than your typical nature walk, but when you finally climb that Lemon Squeeze ladder and reach the top, the view makes it all worth it.
Check out the Labyrinth and Lemon Squeeze
- Ruckel Ridge Loop
Columbia River Gorge, OR
This is a full-body workout disguised as a nature hike. Ruckel Ridge combines steep climbs through slippery surface vegetation with occasional narrow pathways featuring steep drop-offs on both sides. Why bother? Because the walk down is a stunning, picturesque (and far less physically demanding) experience.
Explore the Gorge - South Kaibab Trail/Bright Angel Trail
Grand Canyon, AZ
Ready for a real challenge? This 17.6-mile beast is a two-day affair, minimum. The journey down is quick and leads to the Phantom Ranch, where you can get some much-needed food, drink, and rest. The trip back up to the top, however, is an endurance test, thanks to no water available along with the way and summer temps that reach triple digits.
Hike the canyon
Have a favorite adventure trail we didn’t put on this list? Post it on our Facebook page and tag us. We might feature it in a future blog!
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